Friday, September 13, 2019

πŸ‘‰ A Deal This Sleek Should Be Illegal! πŸ˜‰

Create the style you love with Aplatir, available now for $27 only for a limited time!
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I hope you have great plans for the weekend, Brandi!

I'm speechless with pride and joy whenever I read things like this from Kayla A.:

"L'ange is helping me grow my hair back out. Thank you, L'ange, for making my hair look beautiful!"

Thank YOU, Kayla. Your words encourage me to keep making L'ange the place to turn for hair care, tools, accessories, and more.

In fact, I'm so much obliged to women like you that I'm making today's offer really special:

Aplatir for $27

Aplatir helps you achieve smooth, ruler-straight hair quick and easy. 

Yet, it's also fashioned with beveled edges so you can create easy, soft waves if it suits your mood!

I've priced it at over 75% off retail for a limited time. 

At $27, it's not only perfect for you – it's also a wonderful gift for someone you love!

For this low, low price… no code is necessary.

So grab one (or two!) now before 11:59pm PT tomorrow (Saturday, September 14).

Click for This Offer

Your stories and comments really do make me speechless, so please keep them coming!


Helping you create the style to match your mood,


Dalia Lange


Thank you for supporting L'ange! 

L'ange was created to help improve women's lives, increase happiness, and promote overall inner beauty through increased confidence.

Your feedback, inspirational stories, and breathtaking transformations all fuel our passion for improving L'ange. 

We love staying connected with strong women like you, and that's why emails are our go-to form of communication.

This is a great way for us to stay in touch, and it's an excellent place for you to get exclusive deals, helpful tips and tricks, and the latest updates on L'ange.

Please let us know how we can improve your experience in the L'ange family by clicking here. Now, if you no longer wish to be part of our lovely family, then please Unsubscribe here.

The aim of L'ange since our inception was to transform the lives of 2 million women by 2020, and we have accomplished that, thanks to you. That's why we're having this month-long celebration!

From Dalia and everyone at L'ange, thank you so much for your support!