We got some amazing news today...Kiara called this morning and reported that she is still not feeling very well. Very tired and just not herself. She has a touch of a cold and just generally pretty crumby! As we talked she informed me that she might have something else "wrong" with her and she would call me later. She called me an hour or so later and told me that the test was positive...there is something up with her...Brett and I are going to be grandparents! Kiara is expecting our first grandchild in early June 2010! The kids are way excited to be aunts and uncles! Zack asked if he could be the second one to hold the baby when it arrives...he figured that Kiara could hold the baby first and maybe Boone, but then he wants to be next in line! Well, this should be a fun adventure! Kiara came in to Heber today to do gel nails for the drill team girls...she had 5 appointments today and is exhausted. The bad weather was rolling in and Brett felt like she should really stay the night, as she has nail appointments here tomorrow and needs to rest. She has a cold and is a little frustrated that she cannot take any medicine. Brett gave her a blessing and she is sound asleep. It has been a very busy and exciting day for our family!
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